April 30, 2008

Notes from 223

Dave, Sharon, our friend Borders and I caught last night's game. Despite being windy and cold we had a great time. I'm happy to report that the $3.50 hot chocolate is worth every penny. Also the kielbasa from Senators Sausages was very good. I recommend it with mustard and sauerkraut.

Food and drink aside, the highlight of the game was the back-to-back homeruns by Zimmerman and Johnson. Hopefully last night's 3-4 performance will help get Zimm on track. Dave and I have had an ongoing discussion about whether or not our new home is a hitter's park and right now I'm winning. The statistics will probably prove that it's marginally a hitter friendly park but it's certainly a huge change from the canyons of RFK.

So far this has been a great homestand. The team has won 4 of their last five games and 10-17 sounds an awful lot better than 6-21.

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