June 2, 2009

Every Saint Has a Past

Randy St. Claire's past now includes the Washington Nationals. Per Nationals Journal, the long-tenured pitching coach got the axe today, replaced by AAA Syracuse pitching coach Steve McCatty. A 5.69 staff ERA will do that to a guy. So now we'll get to do an experiment of sorts: Was it the pitching that was deficient, or the pitchers?

Second question, does this buy Manny some time, or signal the beginning of the blood-letting? Of course, there's very little blood left to be let. All of the other coaches and the interim/acting/quasi-GM are new this season. And in the absence of the miracle that would be Stan or the Lerners firing themselves, only Manny's shoe is left to drop.

Replacing the Saint on the firing line is former Oakland A's pitcher McCatty, who has been with the organization for 5 years. Good luck, Steve! You'll need it.

1 comment:

Dave Nichols said...

that was always one of my favorite SI covers, for some reason.